2021 Virtual Annual Meeting
As you know, Germania has requested that all Annual Meetings be "virtual" this year.
The business portion of our annual meeting will take place on April 22 at 6pm.
If you'd like to see the presentations, they will be available here in advance of the meeting:
Even if you don't attend or watch the presentations, your attendance will be counted by returning the Director voting ballots you received in the mail or email. Here are some answers to common questions about the Director election: Director FAQs
Each Director ballot submitted counts towards our attendance and will result in Germania donating $1 to the St. Baldrick's Foundation to help conquer childhood cancer.
Welcome Video:
Meeting Agenda and Presentation Video:
In order to attend the live business session, you will need to log in to WebEx at the address provided on your invitation, or simply follow this link:
or you can join using these other methods
Join by meeting number
Meeting number (access code): 133 578 5385
Meeting password: yMFrWg6Qf83
Tap to join from a mobile device (attendees only) +1-415-655-0003,,1335785385## US Toll Join by phone +1-415-655-0003 US Toll Global call-in numbers Join from a video system or application Dial 1335785385@firstunitedbank.webex.com You can also dial and enter your meeting number.